Selling Data

15. May 2020

Guideline for Data Providers

Free or Commercial

The data market­place makes it possible to offer data either freely or commer­cially.
Free offers should be provided with an appro­pri­ate license and are avail­able to every registered user at any time after post­ing.
For commer­cial offers, the provider sets a price and terms of use in a license. The raw data will be sent to the inter­ested party only after accept­ance of the license and confirmed payment.

Placing Data Offers in the Marketplace

Own data offers can be added to the portal in two ways: through a graph­ical user inter­face on the web applic­a­tion or through an API.The graph­ical solu­tion for quot­ing is a multi-level form that allows you to create all the meta-inform­a­­tion you need for your record, add the raw data source, a license and a price, and finally preview the entry.

For auto­mated post­ing of many offers, we recom­mend the API solu­tion. To do this a record must be created in the ADVANEO metadata schema and sent to the inter­face with authen­tic­a­tion. For a more detailed descrip­tion, please see the API docu­ment­a­tion in the future.

Payment Functions in the Data Marketplace

The data market­place currently offers the possib­il­ity to pay by credit card (Mastercard & Visa). An exten­sion to common payment formats, such as other credit cards, direct debit, digital options (Google Pay, Apple Pay…), will follow shortly.

What are my Data worth?

This is one of the burn­ing ques­tions of the emer­ging data economy. In order to find an answer and make it as easy as possible for you to get star­ted in this area, ADVANEO has developed an applic­a­tion based on the latest state of the art and research which calcu­lates a proposal for a price range based on a few state­ments about the nature of your data.
This will soon be avail­able on the data marketplace

More features of the ADVANEO data marketplace