Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about the data marketplace.


What do the languages do?

If you select one of the 16 languages from the drop-down menu, the static text of the entire portal is displayed in the selec­ted language. Dynamically inser­ted text, such as the details (title, descrip­tion, etc…) of the records in the search results list, can be loaded using the special “Translate” button. The button is located in the upper right corner of the search results list.

How to set the language?

In the first step, the display language of the web applic­a­tion is auto­mat­ic­ally selec­ted by the default settings of your browser.If you want to change this setting, there is always a drop-down menu in the upper left corner of the navig­a­tion bar that you can use to change your display language to one of 16 options.


How can I create a Premium/Small Business/Enterprise?

In the current phase, these accounts are only set up indi­vidu­ally accord­ing to the wishes of the users. If you are inter­ested, you can contact us at any time and we will be happy to advise you.

How do the membership models differ?

In general, the differ­ent member models can be differ­en­ti­ated accord­ing to use cases:

FreePremiumSmall BusinessEnterprise
Primarily aimed at citizens inter­ested in data and gener­ally is the best option “for a taste”. All rudi­ment­ary func­tions can be used and tested. It is aimed primar­ily at indi­vidu­als who are inter­ested in data and who are involved to the extent that the monet­ary aspect plays a decis­ive role.This service is aimed primar­ily at SMEs that are inter­ested in monet­iz­ing their own data or need access to a large data portfolio.Addresses large compan­ies that have a strong commer­cial drive, need many users on the portal and need a very indi­vidual solution.

The “Small Business” and “Enterprise” options are each an organ­iz­a­tion account linked to a number of indi­vidual user accounts tailored to your needs.  You can find out more about organ­iz­a­tions on the Data Marketplace in the FAQ section “Data Management”.

For a detailed list of the differ­ent func­tions, please visit our price overview.

What are the different membership models?

The data market­place will offer four differ­ent member­ship models: Free, Premium, Small Business & Enterprise.

User profile

What happens if I forget my login data?

If you have forgot­ten your login data, navig­ate to the start page of the data market­place, click on “Login”/“Login” and select the option “Forgot your password”.

After the correct entry of the e‑mail address of the linked account, an e‑mail will be sent to this address with the possib­il­ity to re-assign a new password.

How can I delete my profile?

If you have an account that is linked to an organ­iz­a­tion, please contact the “owner” of that organ­iz­a­tion on the market­place. He has the abil­ity to delete your profile.

If your user account is not linked to an organ­isa­tion, please contact us directly and we will be happy to help you with your requests.

Where can I view and edit my profile data?

All data you entered when regis­ter­ing your account can be edited on the plat­form itself (includ­ing your pass­word).
To do this, you can click either your name or your user picture in the upper navig­a­tion bar on the left and then “My Account Settings” in the selec­tion.
You now are on an over­view page of your profile data. Now click on the “Edit Account” button on the right-hand side. Changes must be saved with a final click on the “Save Changes” button.

Data catalog

How do I find data on the marketplace?

There are three modern search and filter options based on the extens­ively processed metadata avail­able for navig­at­ing through the wide range of products on offer.

Classical text field search

As known from large inform­a­tion portals (Google, Wikipedia, Amazon…), the first entry point into data search is a famil­iar, single-line text field for simple entry of search terms. These search terms can be further edited in the results over­view either by hand or by predefined filters (left side of the results over­view). The search func­tion can be used across languages.


The Discovery feature is a visual, immers­ive search exper­i­ence specific­ally designed to enable users to navig­ate through the plat­form’s data network in a novel graph­ical way. Data and its metadata-level connec­tions are graph­ic­ally repres­en­ted, provid­ing new insights.

Tip: Can provide inspir­a­tion for a new look at the exist­ing possib­il­it­ies and is partic­u­larly suit­able for an introduction.


In addi­tion to the two graph­ical fron­tend solu­tions, the data market­place also offers exper­i­enced users the oppor­tun­ity* to commu­nic­ate directly with the data­base via APIs. Currently, you can use APIs to add and search metadata records. More detailed inform­a­tion will be avail­able in future in our API docu­ment­a­tion Link.

Beyond these accesses, navig­a­tion is suppor­ted by a recom­mend­a­tion system for data records based on machine learning.

*Access to the API is restric­ted by member­ship type.

What is metadata?

One of the special features of the data market­place is that any data found on the portal is stored only as metadata with refer­ence to the original data source.

Metadata is descript­ive data – data about data. If the actual record is a table file with sensor data, the metadata record provided by Advaneo consists of a mean­ing­ful title, a descrip­tion of the content, keywords, categor­ies, file size, file format, …

Offering data

What is the value of my data?

This is one of the burn­ing ques­tions of the emer­ging data economy. In order to find an answer and to make it as easy as possible for you to get star­ted with this topic, ADVANEO has developed an applic­a­tion based on the current state of the art and research, which calcu­lates a proposal for a price range based on some state­ments about the nature of your data.

Whether you follow this sugges­tion at the end, is of course entirely at your discretion.

How can I post my own offers?

Own data offers can be added to the portal in two ways: through a graph­ical user inter­face on the web applic­a­tion and through the API.

The graph­ical solu­tion for the prepar­a­tion of offers can be reached by click­ing the “Upload here” button (symbol: up arrow) in the navig­a­tion bar. After click­ing, you will be taken to a multi-level form, which you can use to create all the required meta inform­a­tion for your data­set, add the raw data source, a license and a price, and finally preview the entry.

For auto­mated post­ing of many offers, we recom­mend the API solu­tion. To do this, a data record must be created in the Advaneo metadata schema and sent to the inter­face with authen­tic­a­tion. For a more detailed descrip­tion, see the API docu­ment­a­tion in the future.

What payment options are offered?

The data market­place currently offers the possib­il­ity to pay by credit card (Mastercard & Visa). An exten­sion to all common payment formats, such as other credit cards, direct debit, digital options (Google Pay, Appe Pay…), will follow shortly.

Can I offer my own data on the marketplace?

Yes, you can also offer your own data on the data market­place. In order to create a data economy that is as indi­vidual as possible but never­the­less broad-based, this is even expli­citly desired.

Data offers can be either free or chargeable/commercial.Free offers should be provided with a free license and are avail­able to every registered user at any time after the listing.

For paid offers, the provider sets a price and terms of use in the form of a license. The raw data is only avail­able to the inter­ested party after accept­ance of the license and the confirmed payment.

Exchanging data

What is a connector and how do I use it?

The ADVANEO Connector is a soft­ware applic­a­tion that can be connec­ted to a vari­ety of differ­ent data sources (file systems, data­base systems, sensor data streams, … The list is always being exten­ded). The connector can thus be gran­ted access to the raw data and the data memory. At the same time, connect­ors can commu­nic­ate with each other and send and receive data from each other. Since connect­ors can also identify them­selves, a basis for a secure and auto­mat­able data exchange between two parties is created.

Each user* gets access to a personal connector, which can be managed via a dash­board. The dash­board can be accessed by click­ing on the account settings menu > “My Connectors”. There you can access data requests as well as received data transmissions.

*Details depend on your member­ship. See also the func­tion­al­it­ies in the price overview.

How can I access the data on the data marketplace?

The exchange of raw data always takes place peer-to-peer directly from the provider’s data source to the data user. This can essen­tially take place in two differ­ent ways: The data provider can provide direct access to his raw data (e.g. via a direct down­load link or an API) or enter his data source in his ADVANEO Connector, which in turn commu­nic­ates with the data user’s Connector and trans­fers the raw data within the scope of the accep­ted license.

In general, the rule of thumb for this distinc­tion is: open data should be offered directly, while commer­cial offers should be imple­men­ted with the connector.

In general, it is worth mention­ing once again: Access to raw data is only gran­ted by the market­place if the data user accepts the linked license for the data set and, in the case of a commer­cial offer, the data provider has accep­ted the purchase request and the payment has been confirmed by the system.

Governing data

What possibilities does an organization grant me?

Currently, the main func­tions of an organ­iz­a­tion are to repres­ent your organic organ­iz­a­tion digit­ally and to organ­ize access rights on the data market­place. The former has the effect that your organ­iz­a­tion can be found on the market­place with the inform­a­tion you provide and is clearly iden­ti­fied as the owner of your data records. The second is real­ized via the “Owner”, “Admin” and “Member” for the members of your organ­iz­a­tion. These have respect­ively decreas­ing admin­is­tra­tion and access rights to the market­place. For example, “Owners” and “Admins” can view private entries of the organ­iz­a­tion on the market­place which are hidden to all other users or create CUGs to share them.

Your organ­iz­a­tion over­view can be accessed via “My account settings” > “Organization details”. If you click on the name of your organ­iz­a­tion, you will be taken to a panel where you can manage general inform­a­tion about the organ­iz­a­tion, members, requests and your records.

What is an organization?

An “organ­iz­a­tion” on the data market­place is a repres­ent­a­tion of organ­iz­a­tions, compan­ies, asso­ci­ations, etc. of real life on the market­place. Users and data can be assigned to these organ­iz­a­tions and access rights defined by an integ­rated user role system.

A data market­place organ­iz­a­tion is asso­ci­ated with a “Small Business” or “Enterprise” level member­ship. Adapted to your needs, an organ­iz­a­tion is created on the market­place, a respons­ible person is entered as “Owner” (user role with the highest admin­is­trat­ive rights of an organ­iz­a­tion) and the possib­il­ity is given to add a contract defined number of addi­tional persons as members.

How do I use a CUG?

A CUG can be created by select­ing “User Groups” > “Create Closed User Group” in the navig­a­tion bar. After the click a dialog opens asking for the group name, a descrip­tion of the group, a group logo and the members to be added. Once the group has been created by a confirm­a­tion, you will auto­mat­ic­ally be taken to the group over­view, where you can add files, further members and details to the group by simple clicks. The group admins have sover­eignty over the group and can also share the files with the group.

You can get an over­view of your exist­ing CUGS via the link “User group” > “My Closed User Groups”.

What is a “Closed User Group” (CUG)?

A “Closed User Group” refers to an extern­ally closed group of users who can gain exclus­ive access to certain data through member­ship. As a rule, this data cannot be found publicly on the market­place and may be partic­u­larly sensitive.

Work with data

How to use the Workbench (Jupyter)

To get to the Workbench, click on the “Workbench” button (symbol “WB”) in the navig­a­tion bar.After the click you get to the note­book over­view. If you are not yet famil­iar with a note­book, you can use the folder Examples/Basics to open the file “Jupyter Introduction”, which will intro­duce you to the topic. This folder also contains tutori­als for the Python and R languages. Examples of data analysis can be found in “Live Examples”.

If you auto­mat­ic­ally add data from the market­place using the “Add to Workbench” button, it will be saved in the “Workbench Data” folder. Own files can be added to the Workbench via the button “Upload here” in the note­book overview.

Now you can set up your own work struc­ture and start your data projects.

What is the Workbench?

The Data Science Workbench of the data market­place is a collec­tion of common tools for data processing & analysis.

Currently the Workbench includes a Jupyter Notebook which is oper­ated in the Advaneo cloud. Each user has an indi­vidual work­bench at his disposal, on which he can effort­lessly integ­rate data directly from the market­place or from external sources. Currently the Workbench supports projects in Python 3, Julia 1.0.1, R and Ruby 2.5.1. Common data science librar­ies are pre-installed for all kernels. This list can also be exten­ded dynam­ic­ally accord­ing to requirements.

In the near future the imple­ment­a­tion of further common data processing tools (Anaconda, Tensorsflow, H2O, Knime, …) into the market­place is planned.


How do I participate in a datathon?

You can parti­cip­ate in a data­thon by navig­at­ing via the over­view list (“Datathons” > “Datathons”) to the detail page of a data­thon and using the “Join Datathon” button there.

There are two options to parti­cip­ate: As a single person or as a team. As an indi­vidual, all you have to do is indic­ate that you want them to choose this option. A team must be created in advance through the “Datathon” > “Create a Team” dialog. When the required inform­a­tion is filled in, your team is created and you can parti­cip­ate in the data­thon by enter­ing the team name.

How do I create my own datathon?

The first step to create a data­thon is the theor­et­ical plan­ning and the devel­op­ment of the concept. This happens inde­pend­ently of the data marketplace.

On the portal the data­thon can now be created via the button “Datathons” > “Create a Datathon”. A dialog window opens in which you have to enter a title, a more detailed descrip­tion, an event logo, a price and the data­sets to be used. 

After confirm­ing the details, you will be taken to its over­view page.

What is a datathon?

A data­thon is a concep­tual special­iz­a­tion of the term “hack­a­thon”. A data­thon special­izes in collab­or­at­ively solv­ing data-related IT prob­lems in a compet­i­tion.
The DataMarketplace offers the possib­il­ity to create, market and carry out such compet­i­tions in an organ­ized system in order to gener­ate further added value from your own data.