Access to the world of data

ADVANEO Data Marketplace

“Access to the world of data”

For us, this means open­ing up broad access to exist­ing data sources. We do not create another propri­et­ary data silo.

Our vision is char­ac­ter­ised by two concepts:

Data sover­eignty and sustain­ab­il­ity

We regard the sover­eign right over one’s own data (data sover­eignty) as a funda­mental right of every human being. Therefore, we have developed a decent­ral­ized solu­tion that gives a user full control over their data at any time.

By simul­tan­eously offer­ing open as well as commer­cial data from all indus­tries, we want to create a sustain­able portal as a place for innovation.

For us, sustain­ab­il­ity means a future proof system – both tech­no­lo­gic­ally and finan­cially. But also, ecolo­gic­ally through minimal use of resources and the promo­tion of innovations.

How the ADVANEO Data Marketplace works

usecase final

Data Provider

The data provider offers data records from their data­base on the data market­place. These data records are repres­en­ted on the market­place by the metadata chosen by the data provider. (The raw data remains with the data provider!)

Data Marketplace

The data market­place serves as a data cata­logue for the metadata provided by the data provider. In addi­tion, it func­tions as a secure trad­ing portal and offers func­tions for data processing and administration.

Data User

The data user searches for relev­ant data on the data market­place using the metadata entries. After select­ing the offer, the user receives the raw data directly, peer to peer, from the data source of the data provider.

From a static Marketplace towards a Data Economy

Our vision

We are convinced that in the age of Artificial Intelligence and Industry 4.0, provid­ing the most open possible access to data for all users serves as the basis for innov­a­tion and progress. This starts with you as an inter­ested private indi­vidual and leads to your busi­ness enter­prise, which wants to monet­ise its own data or use external data for new insights.

Millions of open data sets

Use open data to open up new perspect­ives and lift your data project to the next level. In the sense of free access to data as a demo­cratic basis for innov­a­tions, we see open data as a core aspect of our offer­ing. This is why we already combine almost 2 million open data records from over 8000 unique providers. The number of data records is constantly increasing.


In order to guar­an­tee your data sover­eignty, the data market­place has been developed as a decent­ral­ized portal. This means that all relev­ant and possibly sens­it­ive raw data always remain with the data provider and only is trans­ferred directly – peer to peer – to the buyer in the event of a purchase. The data market­place only stores the data descrip­tions (metadata) and has no access to your raw data at any time.


Innovations often take place at the edges – there­fore new apps, disrupt­ive, data-driven busi­ness models or innov­at­ive data products also require raw data from differ­ent indus­tries and subject areas. For this reason, the ADVANEO data market­place is cross-domain.

Turn data into money

The data market­place gives you the oppor­tun­ity to create new values from your exist­ing data. It does not matter what type of data is involved: Whether data­bases filled with sensor data of your machines or other IoT data, specially trained AI models, ERP or CRM data­bases, log files, etc… . It does­n’t matter what kind of data you use.

Working with data

In order to offer a holistic solu­tion for your data project, we directly provide you with online tools for inter­act­ing with your data. Experienced users can use the integ­rated Data-Science-Workbench with the program­ming language of their choice. As Citizen Data Scientists, you have tools for rapid data analysis and auto­matic visu­al­isa­tion at your disposal

Three pillars of the ADVANEO architecture

symbol image of a lock illustration

Data Security

The secur­ity at vari­ous data levels and the neces­sary trans­mis­sion paths is guar­an­teed at all times.

data governance symbol image

Data Sovereignty

Full data sover­eignty: In this model, the origin­ator remains in full control over the usage of their data at all times.

data governance symbol image

Data Governance

The neces­sary tools are provided to estab­lish a defined data manage­ment with the neces­sary control mechanisms.


ADVANEO: partner and pioneer

ADVANEO is part of the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA). The IDSA is an initi­at­ive with the aim to create a trust­worthy archi­tec­ture for a data economy based on common and federal European values through joint research between science and busi­ness. The data market­place is one of the first data portals world­wide based on the IDS refer­ence architecture.

IDSA – the new standard

The IDSA concept for the secure exchange of (indus­trial) data is analog­ous to the Internet on the basis of peer-to-peer commu­nic­a­tion. It provides a refer­ence archi­tec­ture, a formal stand­ard and refer­ence imple­ment­a­tions. It is not a platform.

The IDSA specific­a­tion forms the basis for data ecosys­tems, data market­places and corpor­ate networks.

The IDSA is non-profit and has a stead­ily grow­ing number of currently around 100 members from 19 coun­tries (EU plus Brazil, China, India, Japan, Canada and the USA) as well as formal cooper­a­tion with inter­na­tional initi­at­ives (Platform Industry 4.0, IIC, IVI, DTA, RRI, OPC‑F, Fiware, DMA, iShare).

IDSA Members

image with all the logos of the companies that are part of the IDSA