Use Cases

Comfort and safety in next generation of data driven automobiles
Comfort and safety in next gener­a­tion of data driven automobiles 
With the great tech­no­logy advance­ment in the car industry, driv­ing or letting your car drive will lead to comfort, effi­cient jour­ney times and safer commute. It also gener­ates new chal­lenges around da… 
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The role of data in pharmaceutical industry and clinical trials
The role of data in phar­ma­ceut­ical industry and clin­ical trials 
The search for appro­pri­ate drugs to treat cancer by using clin­ical trial analysis is currently a long expens­ive process. Collation and avail­ab­il­ity of high qual­ity data­sets will be a signi­fic­ant step … 
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How citizens are ensuring implementation of governmental spending
How citizens are ensur­ing imple­ment­a­tion of govern­mental spending 
With the avail­ab­il­ity of open data, start-up compan­ies, journ­al­ists, finan­cial insti­tu­tions and data enthu­si­asts are now able to inde­pend­ently track govern­ment spend­ing. How can this be achieved and h… 
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Smart and proactive health insurance companies
Smart and proact­ive health insur­ance companies 
The insur­ance sector has been one the biggest use of data for decades. Specifically, health insur­ance compan­ies whose busi­ness model involves a prepaid monthly contri­bu­tion from members. 
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A secure and efficient industrial process using predictive maintenance
A secure and effi­cient indus­trial process using predict­ive maintenance 
As the indus­trial applic­a­tions for IoT and machine to machine commu­nic­a­tion are becom­ing common­place, indus­tries need to ensure the costs of deploy­ing, main­ten­ance and admin­is­trat­ive over­heads do not … 
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How correlating anonymous mobile and air pollution data saves lives
How correl­at­ing anonym­ous mobile and air pollu­tion data saves lives 
With major concern of air pollu­tion and health implic­a­tions there is a grow­ing effort in meas­ur­ing, redu­cing and prevent­ing hazard­ous air pollu­tion. Government and corpor­ate organ­isa­tions have risen u… 
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Data driven addons created the king of real estate market
Data driven addons created the king of real estate market 
Analysing open data sources linked to internal data sources trans­form busi­ness decisions and strategies. It ulti­mately leads to reduced expenses, increased reven­ues and excel­lent customer satisfaction… 
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How Starbucks is brewing new data driven business models
How Starbucks is brew­ing new data driven busi­ness models 
Since the first coffee house was opened in 1555, there has been a global market for coffee shops and signi­fic­ant busi­ness oppor­tun­it­ies. To ensure sustained growth, local coffee shops now extend their… 
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