How correlating anonymous mobile and air pollution data saves lives


With major concern of air pollution and health implications there is a growing effort in measuring, reducing and preventing hazardous air pollution. Government and corporate organisations have risen up to the responsibility of proffering new solutions. An important part is how open data from various sectors will pave the way for new solutions.

Datasets used

Toxic gases are not the only source of air pollution. Despite over 7 million deaths yearly being recorded worldwide due to inhalation of small dust particles, its effect is often overlooked in air pollution analysis. Correlating healthcare statistics with information diagnosed cause will provide a clear picture of important focus areas. Open data from the Federal Environmental Agency on CO2 and NOx measurements, weather data, mode of transportation and traffic stops (Adaptive and fixed) are being utilised to understand the full picture.

Advaneo Data Marketplace

Significant amount of resources is needed in mining, sorting and formatting datasets from multiple sectors. Medical practitioners only possess medical data, telecommunication companies only possess mobility patterns and Government has geographic and demographic data. These datasets are often in various formats spread across multiple platforms. The Advaneo market place helps corporate bodies and Environment protection agencies see the relevant datasets in one place. The market place has been designed to ensure:

Data Sovereignty

In addition to the open data, the datasets provided by other organisations resides with them. Advaneo verifies the source and acts as a broker by providing a summary (metadata) of the dataset. A seamless direct connection will be made with the data provider and data user.

Verified Data Endpoints

All the data set provided on the marketplace have been verified to have actual data end points.

Categorised Relevant Data

Using keyword searches, categories relevant for each dataset are displayed helping the user see how mobile data can be useful in Air pollution domain.

Business Opportunity: Companies can leverage on the data provided in the market place to gain full understanding of all the actors, and utilise data provided in providing solutions.


Open data are usually released to solve problems. An important problem as combating air pollution and the hazardous effects will depend on the availability of such datasets. More importantly, a full picture is required of relevant datasets from multiple sectors. The Advaneo data market place will prove to be a reliable resource.