How correl­at­ing anonym­ous mobile and air pollu­tion data saves lives


With major concern of air pollu­tion and health implic­a­tions there is a grow­ing effort in meas­ur­ing, redu­cing and prevent­ing hazard­ous air pollu­tion. Government and corpor­ate organ­isa­tions have risen up to the respons­ib­il­ity of prof­fer­ing new solu­tions. An import­ant part is how open data from vari­ous sectors will pave the way for new solutions.

Datasets used

Toxic gases are not the only source of air pollu­tion. Despite over 7 million deaths yearly being recor­ded world­wide due to inhal­a­tion of small dust particles, its effect is often over­looked in air pollu­tion analysis. Correlating health­care stat­ist­ics with inform­a­tion diagnosed cause will provide a clear picture of import­ant focus areas. Open data from the Federal Environmental Agency on CO2 and NOx meas­ure­ments, weather data, mode of trans­port­a­tion and traffic stops (Adaptive and fixed) are being util­ised to under­stand the full picture.

Advaneo Data Marketplace

Significant amount of resources is needed in mining, sort­ing and format­ting data­sets from multiple sectors. Medical prac­ti­tion­ers only possess medical data, tele­com­mu­nic­a­tion compan­ies only possess mobil­ity patterns and Government has geographic and demo­graphic data. These data­sets are often in vari­ous formats spread across multiple plat­forms. The Advaneo market place helps corpor­ate bodies and Environment protec­tion agen­cies see the relev­ant data­sets in one place. The market place has been designed to ensure:

Data Sovereignty

In addi­tion to the open data, the data­sets provided by other organ­isa­tions resides with them. Advaneo veri­fies the source and acts as a broker by provid­ing a summary (metadata) of the data­set. A seam­less direct connec­tion will be made with the data provider and data user.

Verified Data Endpoints

All the data set provided on the market­place have been veri­fied to have actual data end points.

Categorised Relevant Data

Using keyword searches, categor­ies relev­ant for each data­set are displayed help­ing the user see how mobile data can be useful in Air pollu­tion domain.

Business Opportunity: Companies can lever­age on the data provided in the market place to gain full under­stand­ing of all the actors, and util­ise data provided in provid­ing solutions.


Open data are usually released to solve prob­lems. An import­ant prob­lem as combat­ing air pollu­tion and the hazard­ous effects will depend on the avail­ab­il­ity of such data­sets. More import­antly, a full picture is required of relev­ant data­sets from multiple sectors. The Advaneo data market place will prove to be a reli­able resource.