What is the Workbench?

16. October 2019

The Data Science Workbench of the data market­place is a collec­tion of common tools for data processing & analysis.

Currently the Workbench includes a Jupyter Notebook which is oper­ated in the Advaneo cloud. Each user has an indi­vidual work­bench at his disposal, on which he can effort­lessly integ­rate data directly from the market­place or from external sources. Currently the Workbench supports projects in Python 3, Julia 1.0.1, R and Ruby 2.5.1. Common data science librar­ies are pre-installed for all kernels. This list can also be exten­ded dynam­ic­ally accord­ing to requirements.

In the near future the imple­ment­a­tion of further common data processing tools (Anaconda, Tensorsflow, H2O, Knime, …) into the market­place is planned.